一次性竹筷浸出液对斑马鱼Danio rerio 胚胎发育的影响
目的 观察市售某合格品牌一次性竹筷浸出液对斑马鱼胚胎发育的毒性效应。方法 将一次性竹筷称重, 用过滤自来水浸泡24 h, 配制5.0、7.5、11.2、16.8、25.0 mg/mL 5个不同浓度的一次性竹筷浸出液。选取成年健康斑马鱼将雌雄按1:2的比例进行交配产卵, 分别用不同浓度的竹筷浸出液对受精卵(1枚受精卵/培养皿)进行暴露孵化实验, 设空白对照。通过显微成像技术观察一次性竹筷浸出液暴露对斑马鱼胚胎发育形态、孵化率、仔鱼畸形率与仔鱼死亡率的影响。在总周期96 h内每隔12 h观察一次。结果 对照组仔鱼以及浓度在11.2 mg/mL以下的各浸筷液组仔鱼无畸形, 无死亡。高浓度浸出液(16.8 mg/mL和25 mg/mL)中孵化的斑马鱼表现出胚胎发育明显延迟。虽然96 h总孵化率在不同组间无差异, 但是高浓度竹筷浸出液中孵出的斑马鱼仔鱼出现高度畸形, 96 h仔鱼畸形率分别为67.65%和61.29%; 仔鱼死亡率的增加呈现剂量依赖性, 分别为61.76%和100%。结论 市售某合格品牌一次性竹筷浸出液可导致斑马鱼胚胎发育延迟、仔鱼畸形和早期死亡。
Objective To observe the toxic effects of the leachate of qualified disposable chopsticks from commercially available products on the embryonic development in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Methods The bamboo chopsticks were weighted, soaked in filtered tap water for 24 h to make the leachate of disposable chopsticks of 5 different concentrations: 5.0, 7.5, 11.2 16.8 and 25.0 mg/mL. Healthy adult parent zebrafish were chosen (female:male=1:2) to mate and the fertilized eggs were hatched (1 egg/petri dish) in different concentrations of chopsticks leachate to conduct the exposure experiment. The microscopic imaging technique was used to observe the effect of disposable chopsticks’ leachate on embryo development, hatchability, larvae malformation and mortality. Each egg was observed every 12 h for a total period of 96 h. Results There was no malformation and death in control group and leachate groups under 11.2 mg/mL. Zebrafish hatching in high concentration of leachate (16.8 mg/mL and 25 mg/mL) showed significantly delayed embryonic development. Although there was no difference in total hatchability rate at 96 h among different groups, highly deformed were found in the zebrafish larvae hatched in high concentration of chopsticks leachate. The malformation rates at 96 h in group 16.8 mg/mL and group 25 mg/mL were 67.65% and 61.29%, respectively. The larvae mortality was increased dose-dependently with 61.76% and 100% respectively. Conclusion The leachate from the commercially available disposable chopsticks of certain qualified brand could result in delayed embryo development, malformation and early death of zebrafish larvae.
标题:一次性竹筷浸出液对斑马鱼(Danio rerio) 胚胎发育的影响
英文标题:Effects of disposable chopsticks leachate on zebrafish embryo development
钟佳耘 上海中学东校
严洁 上海延安初级中学
王娅 上海中学东校
周忠良 华东师范大学生命科学学院
英文关键词:disposable chopsticks,leachate,zebrafish,embryonic development,malformation,larvae mortality,
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