目的 分离与鉴定进境加拿大大麦中真菌病害。方法 从进境加拿大大麦的可疑种子及病残体中分离获得真菌菌株, 并对所分离的菌株进行培养性状及形态学观察, 同时对核糖体DNA内转录间隔区(internal transcribed spacer, ITS)扩增和测序, 进行鉴定。结果 共分离出21个真菌菌株, 鉴定出6个菌种, 包括黑麦麦角菌(Claviceps purpurea)、梨孢镰刀菌(Fusarium poae )、燕麦镰刀菌(Fusarium avenaceum)、细极链格孢(Alternaria tenuissima)、大麦网纹病菌(Pyrenophora teres)、颖枯壳针孢(Phaeosphaeria nodorum)。结论 做好进境大麦的检疫、监管工作, 对保障啤酒工业安全生产、防止外来危险性病原菌在我国定殖、流行以致造成危害具有极其重要的意义。
Objective To isolate and identify the fungal disease from barley imported from Canada. Methods Fungal isolates were collected from invaded seeds and stems of barley imported from Canada. Species of fungal were identified based on morphological characteristics, culture patterns and molecular methods. Re-sults Twenty-one fungal isolates were collected, and 6 species of fungal were identified, including Claviceps purpurea, Fusarium poae, Fusarium avenaceum, Alternaria tenuissima, Pyrenophora teres and Phaeosphaeria nodorum. Conclusion It is very important to carry out the inspection and administration of imported barley, for guaranteeing the safety production in beer industry, and preventing imported dangerous pathogens.
英文标题:Isolation and identification of fungal disease on barley imported from Canada
张莹 天津出入境检验检疫局动植物与食品检测中心
罗加凤 天津出入境检验检疫局动植物与食品检测中心
胡佳续 天津出入境检验检疫局动植物与食品检测中心
刘鹏 天津出入境检验检疫局动植物与食品检测中心
林宇 天津出入境检验检疫局动植物与食品检测中心
廖芳 天津出入境检验检疫局动植物与食品检测中心
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