聚硫堇修饰的一次性酶传感器检测 辛硫磷农药残留
目的 研制一种用于蔬菜中有机磷农药残留快速检测的电化学酶传感器。方法 通过循环伏安法将电子媒介体硫堇电聚合在丝网印刷电极上作为电子传递体, 用壳聚糖凝胶将乙酰胆碱酯酶固定于聚硫堇电极表面, 制成一种新型的有机磷农药生物传感器。结果 在有机磷农药辛硫磷浓度为0.01~500 μg/mL范围内, 酶电极抑制率(%)与辛硫磷的浓度(c)的对数呈良好的线性关系, 相关系数为0.9886, 检出限以抑制率10%的农药浓度计算为0.006 μg/mL。结论 研制出成本低廉, 使用方便, 具有响应快、灵敏度高的有机磷农药生物传感器, 可应用于果蔬中有机磷农药的快速检测。
Objective To develop an amperometric biosensor for the detection of organophosphorus pesticides in vegetables. Methods The novel enzyme electode biosensor was fabricated with acetylcholinesterase(AChE) immobilized by chitosansilica on the surface of the polythionine modified screen printed electrode. Results The inhibition rate versus the logarithm of Phoxim concentration was linear over the range of 0.01 to 500 μg/mL with the linear correlation coefficient of 0.9886. The detection limit for Phoxim calculated by inhibition rate of 10% was 0.006 μg/mL. Conclusion Organic phosphorus pesticide biosensor was successfully developed, which was expected to be used for rapid detection of organophosphorus pesticides in fruit and vegetables with its low cost and easy use, had the advantages of fast response and high sensitivity.
标题:聚硫堇修饰的一次性酶传感器检测 辛硫磷农药残留
英文标题:Fabrication of disposable organophosphorus pesticide enzyme biosensor modified by polythionine
陈文飞 常熟理工学院生物与食品工程系
丁建英 常熟理工学院生物与食品工程系
黄虹程 常熟理工学院生物与食品工程系
汪嘉栩 常熟理工学院生物与食品工程系
薛忆 常熟理工学院生物与食品工程系
英文关键词:enzyme biosensors,thionine,organophosphorus pesticide,screen printed electrode,
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