近年来, 随着生活水平的越来越高, 食品安全问题越来越受到人们的重视。地沟油是目前我国食品安全非常关注的问题之一。本文简要地概述了地沟油的概念、种类及其危害, 对目前地沟油的鉴别和检测方法进行综述。本文通过对当前多种检测方法(傅里叶变换红外光谱分析法、脂肪酸组成分析法等)的综合比对, 发现现有这些方法并不能准确鉴定地沟油。此外, 对地沟油鉴别存在的难点进行分析。最主要的技术难点有两处: (1) 经深度精炼, 地沟油中的可以用来检测的物质大部分都除去了, 很多方法对于深度精炼地沟油的检测不适用。(2) 有些方法只适用于部分特定来源的地沟油, 不具有广泛的意义。以期寻求一种快速可行, 具有广泛代表性的地沟油检测方法。
Recently, food security has drawn increasingly attention with the development of living standards. Illegal cooked oil is one of the most concerned problems of currently food safety. In this paper, the concept, classification and harm of the illegal cooked oil were introduced, and some present identification and detection methods were described. This paper based on the current comprehensive comparison of inspection methods (FITR, analysis of fatty acids etc.), found that these methods could not accurately discriminate the illegal cooked oil. Furthermore, existing difficulties of the illegal cooked oil discrimination were analyzed. The detection methods of the illegal cooked oil had two major technique difficulties as following: (1) Substances detected had been removed after refining, causing many methods unable to detect all of the illegal cooked oil; (2) Some methods were only applicable to some particular source of drainage oil, and did not have extensive meaning. This paper aimed to find out a rapid, feasible and broadly representative method to discriminate the illegal cooked oil.
英文标题:Advances of the distinguishing and detection of illegal cooked oil
王嵬 渤海大学实验管理中心
刘连利 渤海大学实验管理中心
仪淑敏 渤海大学化学化工与食品安全学院,辽宁省食品安全重点实验室
英文关键词:illegal cooked oil,harm,detection methods,
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