目的 了解苏南某市叶类蔬菜中含氯有机农药的残留状况及其质量安全现状。方法 利用气相色谱法对采集自该市农贸市场、大型超市、种植基地及散户的6种主要叶类蔬菜中5种代表性的含氯有机农药(百菌清、三唑酮、氟氯氰菊酯、氯氰菊酯和氰戊菊酯)进行定量检测分析, 采用食品安全指数开展暴露风险评估。结果 5种含氯有机农药在蔬菜样本中均有不同程度的检出, 平均检出率为13.8%, 百菌清、氯氰菊酯2种农药在部分蔬菜样本中的残留超标, 超标率分别为0.4%和0.9%。6种叶类蔬菜的农药安全指数平均值均小于1, 说明被检蔬菜的安全状态可为消费者所接受。但百菌清在菠菜和生菜中的安全指数均大于1, 表明百菌清对菠菜和生菜质量安全的影响风险超过了可接受的限度。结论 该地区主要叶类蔬菜的整体质量较安全, 被检农药的残留状况总体良好, 但对菠菜和生菜生产中百菌清的使用需加大监督管理力度, 确保消费者食用蔬菜的安全性。
Objective To understand the status of chlorinated organic pesticide residues and the quality and safety in leafy vegetables in a southern city of Jiangsu. Methods Five representative chlorinated organic pesticides, including chlorothalonil, triadimefon, fenvalerate, cypermethrin and cyhalothrin, in 6 most popular kinds of leafy vegetables from retail markets, supermarkets, vegetable bases and individual peasant households were quantitatively determined by gas chromatography (GC), and the exposure risks were evaluated using the food safety index. Results The 5 pesticides were all found in the detected vegetables and the average detection rate was 13.8%. The residues of chlorothalonil and cypermethrin in some leafy vegetables exceeded the standards, and the excessive rates were respectively 0.4% and 0.9%. The mean safety indexes of 6 kinds of leafy vegetables were all lower than 1, demonstrating the state of vegetable safety was acceptable to consumers. However, the chlorothalonil safety indexes of spinach and lettuce were both higher than 1, indicating that the safety risk of chlorothalonil in spinach and lettuce exceeded acceptable limit. Conclusion The overall quality of the main leaf vegetables in the area is relatively safe, and the pesticide residues are in good condition. But the use of chlorothalonil in the production of spinach and lettuce still need intensify supervision and management to ensure the safety of vegetable intake of consumers.
英文标题:Analysis and risk assessment of chlorinated organic residues in leafy vegetables in a southern city of Jiangsu
刘腾飞 江苏太湖地区农业科学研究所
范君 江苏太湖地区农业科学研究所
杨代凤 江苏太湖地区农业科学研究所
谢修庆 连云港市农村能源环境保护办公室/连云港市农产品质量监督检验测试中心
英文关键词:leafy vegetable,chlorinated organic pesticide,residual analysis,risk assessment,
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