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[生物] 新疆昌吉地区食用菌中汞和镉含量的分析检测

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admin 发表于 2025-1-30 17:00 | 查看全部 阅读模式

目的  了解昌吉地区食用菌中重金属汞和镉含量的情况, 保障食用菌安全性。方法  在昌吉地区的超市、农贸市场等地随机采集7种不同的食用菌, 依据国标(GB5009.17 食品中汞的检测第一法; GB5009.15 食品中镉的检测第一法)测定其中汞和镉的含量, 同时采用单因子污染指数法和综合因子污染指数法对食用菌的污染程度进行评价。结果  210种样品中汞超标率0.95%, 镉超标率2.38%, 且同种食用菌对不同重金属的富集能力有差异, 黑平菇、鸡腿菇、平菇、金针菇、圆菇和杏鲍菇的富集趋势均为镉>总汞; 而香菇的富集趋势则为总汞>镉。分级结果为金针菇、黑平菇、鸡腿菇、平菇、杏鲍菇为一级产品; 圆菇为二级产品; 香菇为三级产品。不同采样点中汞污染最高的是源自农贸市场的食用菌, 平均值为0.054 mg/kg; 镉污染最高的是市场, 平均值为0.059 mg/kg。结论  昌吉大部分地区重金属污染较为严重, 可能是食用菌生长环境中重金属含量较高所致, 因此需要从栽培源头加大控制防范力度。

Objective  To understand the concentrations of 2 kinds of heavy metal elements mercury (Hg) and cadmium (Cd) in fungi of Changji area, so as to ensure the safety of edible fungi. Methods  Sevens kinds of edible fungi from supermarkets and farmers markets of Changji area were collected, and then the content of Hg and Cd of the samples were determined according to the national standard methods (GB5009.17 Detection of mercury in foods-Method 1 and GB5009.15 Detection of cadmium in foods-Method 2). The pollution degree of edible fungi was evaluated by single factor pollution index method and comprehensive factor pollution index method. Results  The exceeding standard rates of mercury and cadmium were respectively 0.95% and 2.38% in 210 samples. The enrichment ability of same kind of edible fungi for different heavy metals was different. The enrichment ability of cadmium in black mushroom, Coprinus comatus, Pleurotus ostreatus, Flammulina velutipes, round mushroom and Pleurotus eryngii was higher than that of total mercury, and Lentinus edodes was on the other hand. The classification results were as follows: Flammulina velutipes, black mushroom, Coprinus comatus, Pleurotus ostreatus, and Pleurotus eryngii, were the first grade products, round mushroom was the second grade product, and Lentinus edodes was the three grade product. In different sampling points, the highest mercury pollution point was the farmers market, with an average value of 0.054 mg/kg, and the highest cadmium pollution point was the market, with an average value of 0.059 mg/kg. Conclusion  The mercury and cadmium pollution is more serious in most Changji areas, and the reason may be the high levels of heavy metals in the growth environment of edible fungi. Therefore, it needs to increase control and prevention efforts from the source of cultivation.

英文标题:Analysis and determination of mercury and cadmium content in edible fungi in Xinjiang Changji area

崔艳莉 新疆农业职业技术学院
王恺丰 石河子大学食品学院
刘建华 新疆农业职业技术学院
于海霞 新疆农业职业技术学院
刘娅 石河子大学食品学院

英文关键词:edible fungi,mercury,cadmium,

2025-1-29 19:48 上传
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