2012~2016年杭州市富阳区蔬菜中农药残留 监测及分析
目的 掌握我国杭州市富阳区蔬菜中农药残留情况, 为制定蔬菜农药残留限量标准和加强农产品监测提供依据。方法 采集2012~2016年杭州市富阳区农贸市场和生产基地等市售的新鲜蔬菜共671份, 按照NY/T 761-2008《蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机氯、拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯类农药多残留的测定》对30种常用农药的残留量进行检测, 并以GB 2763-2014《食品安全国家标准 食品中农药最大残留限量》判定结果。结果 对671份蔬菜样品农药残留数据分析显示, 检出农药阳性样品146份, 检出率为21.8%, 超限量样品为15份, 占2.2%。共检测出农药种类20种, 频次188。其中, 叶菜类蔬菜中农药检出率最高, 达30.3%; 瓜类蔬菜中农药检出率仅为4.0%。结论 叶菜类蔬菜中农药如毒死蜱残留较高, 甚至超出国家标准, 农业安全生产监测仍需加强。国家标准中缺乏部分农药在特定蔬菜中的限量标准, 亟需完善。
Objective To investigate the pesticide residues of vegetables in Fuyang district of Hangzhou, so as to provide the basis for setting out the limitation standard and strengthening the supervision of agriculture production safety. Methods From 2012 to 2016, 671 fresh vegetable samples were collected from traditional markets and farms in Fuyang district of Hangzhou city. Based on NY/T 761-2008 Pesticide multiresidue screen methods for determination of organophosphorus pesticides, organochlorine pesticides, pyrethroid pesticides and carbamate pesticides in vegetables and fruits, 30 kinds of pesticides were detected, and then the results were evaluated according to the limitation standards of GB 2763-2014 National food safety standard-Maximum residue limits for pesticides in food. Results Analysis of 671 samples of pesticide residue data displayed that, 146 samples were positive, and the positive detection rate was 21.8%. The residue level in 15 samples was higher than the limitation, and the substandard rate was 2.2%. Twenty kinds of pesticides were detected with a frequency of 188. The detection rate of pesticide residue in leaf vegetables was 30.3%, which was the highest. On the other hand, the detection rate in gourd vegetables was only 4.0%. Conclusion The pesticide residue level such as chlorpyrifos is high in leaf vegetables, and some even exceed the national standard limitation. So the safety supervision of agriculture production should be enhanced. The limitation standards of some kinds of pesticides in some vegetables are lacked and should be complemented as soon as possible.
标题:2012~2016年杭州市富阳区蔬菜中农药残留 监测及分析
英文标题:Monitoring and analysis of pesticide residues in vegetables in Fuyang district of Hangzhou city from 2012 to 2016
陈瑜 杭州市富阳区食品安全检验检测中心
袁新跃 杭州市富阳区食品安全检验检测中心
张培洪 杭州市富阳区食品安全检验检测中心
袁燕村 杭州市富阳区食品安全检验检测中心
周阳元 杭州市富阳区食品安全检验检测中心
胡路平 杭州市富阳区食品安全检验检测中心
英文关键词:vegetables,pesticide residues,Hangzhou,toxicity analysis,limitation standard,
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