目的 建立一种高效的油茶籽油中多环芳烃(PAHs)残留检测预处理方法—凝胶渗透色谱(GPC)净化浓缩法。方法 对适量油茶籽油样品添加与不添加PAHs混合标准液处理, 经GPC系统净化, 并利用系统配置的荧光检测器, 比较2个监测样品各组分分离时段图谱, 从而获得PAHs的最佳搜集时段, 辅以回收率验证。结果 对GB/T 24893-2010检测方法进行了优化, 并对无PAHs油茶籽油样品进行加标处理, 经回收试验, 该方法在10~50 μg/kg范围内的加标回收率范围为78.21%~95.64%, 标准偏差为1.39%~4.55%。结论 该方法简化了油茶籽油样品预处理步骤、减少了人工耗时、提高了检测效率, 适合实验室批量检测。
Objective To establish an efficient method for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in camellia seed oil by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) purification and concentration method. Methods The camellia seed oil samples were treated with and without PAHs mixed standard solution, purified by GPC system, and the separation time of each component of monitoring samples were compared by the fluorescence detector of the system, so as to obtain the best collection time of PAHs, and the verification of the recovery rate was supplemented. Results The detection method of GB/T24893-2010 was optimized, and the samples of camellia seed oil were treated by adding standard PAHs. The recovery rates of the method were 78.21% to 95.64% in the range of 10~50 μg/kg, and standard deviations were 1.39%~4.55%. Conclusion The method simplifies the sample pretreatment process of camellia seed oil, reduces the manual time, and improves the detection efficiency, which is suitable for laboratory batch testing.
英文标题:Establishment of highly efficient pretreatment method for determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in camellia seed oil
滕妙珠 东阳市质量技术监督管理所
郑睿行 衢州市质量技术监督检测中心
祝华明 衢州市质量技术监督检测中心
英文关键词:camellia seed oil,polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,pretreatment,
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