目的 对肉鸡屠宰加工的不同环节进行沙门氏菌监测, 了解各个环节沙门氏菌的污染状况, 分析肉鸡加工过程中沙门氏菌的污染来源及关键环节。方法 选择河南省某大型肉鸡屠宰加工企业作为监测点, 在肉鸡屠宰前、褪毛后、过预冷池后、被分割后和包装入库等环节及预冷池水、分割刀具案板和工人手等处分别采集样本, 共计1756份, 进行沙门氏菌检测及其血清型鉴定。结果 于1756份样本中检出沙门氏菌阳性样本700份, 检出率为39.9%。其中, 褪毛后整禽的沙门氏菌检出率最高, 达63.9%; 其次为过预冷池后的整禽胴体, 检出率为57.3%。屠宰加工环节中检出的沙门氏菌中肠炎沙门氏菌最多, 占71.7%, 其次为印第安纳沙门氏菌, 占20.8%。结论 肉鸡在养殖期间存在沙门氏菌污染, 且在屠宰加工环节存在交叉污染, 应针对相关环节进行重点控制和工艺改进。
Objective To monitor the Salmonella in different links of broiler chicken during slaughter and processing, understand the contamination status of Salmonella, so as to analyze the pollution sources and key links. Methods A large broiler chicken slaughter and processing enterprise in Henan province was selected as the monitoring point. A total of 1756 experimental samples were collected from the following links and places: prior to slaughter, after feather removal, after through the precooling pool, after being divided, packaging and storage, the water of precooling pool, segmentation tools, and hands of workers. The Salmonella and its serotype were identified. Results Seven hundred samples that contained Salmonella were detected from 1756 samples, and the detection rate was 39.9%. The detection rate of samples after feather removal was the highest (63.9%), followed by the samples after through the precooling pool (57.3%). Among the Salmonella detected, the number of Salmonella enteritidis was the largest (71.7%), followed by Salmonella indiana (20.8%). Conclusion There is Salmonella contamination in the breeding link of broiler chicken. Moreover, cross contamination exists in the slaughter and processing. Therefore, key control and process improvement should be carried out to the related links.
英文标题:Monitoring and analysis of Salmonella contamination during broiler chicken processing
朱海华 河南省商业科学研究所有限责任公司,河南省食品质量安全控制工程技术研究中心
王法云 河南省商业科学研究所有限责任公司,河南省食品质量安全控制工程技术研究中心
平洋 河南省商业科学研究所有限责任公司
谭静 河南省商业科学研究所有限责任公司
周莉 河南省商业科学研究所有限责任公司
罗蓓蓓 河南省商业科学研究所有限责任公司
英文关键词:broiler chicken,processing link,Salmonella,contamination,monitoring,
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