随着食品安全问题日益受到重视, 果蔬中的农药残留已成为世界各国的研究热点。目前国内外有关果蔬中农药残留降解方法的研究报道很多, 本文全面综述了果蔬中农药残留降解的方法和技术, 主要从物理、化学和生物降解3个方面阐述。其中物理方法主要包括洗涤、加工和储藏等; 化学方法主要是指采用化学试剂、臭氧和光照等方法; 而生物方法是利用生物酶破坏农药的结构或者利用基因工程将生物体内能降解农药的酶基因转移到载体基因中, 从而降解农药。并对新降解技术如油茶素内酯降解法等进行了展望, 以期为进一步研究提供参考和借鉴。
With the increasingly attention of food safety, studies on the pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables have been extremely concerned by many researchers. At present, there were many reports on the degradation of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables at home and abroad. This paper reviewed the current methods and technologies of pesticide degradation by physical, chemical and biological methods. The physical methods mainly included washing, processing and storage, the chemical methods referred to the use of chemical reagents, ozone and light, and the degradation of pesticide residues using biological methods was to destroy the structure of pesticide or transfer the gene which could degrade pesticide to the vector gene. In addition, a new kind of degradation technology-brassinolide degradation method was also forecasted, which could provides a reference for the further research.
英文标题:Research progress of degradation methods of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables
于弘慧 北京农学院食品科学与工程学院/农产品有害微生物及农残安全检测与控制北京市重点实验室
陈璧州 北京农学院食品科学与工程学院/农产品有害微生物及农残安全检测与控制北京市重点实验室
马挺军 北京农学院食品科学与工程学院/农产品有害微生物及农残安全检测与控制北京市重点实验室
李红卫 北京农学院食品科学与工程学院/农产品有害微生物及农残安全检测与控制北京市重点实验室
英文关键词:fruits and vegetables,pesticide residues,degradation method,
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