慕萨莱思酒是新疆南疆维吾尔族最具民族特色的重要传统保健饮品, 以特殊的酿酒葡萄和田红及阿瓦提红为主要原料, 由传统工艺加工而成, 是维吾尔族刀郎文化的艺术源泉。慕萨莱思酒集地域特殊性、民族独特性和文化传承性于一体, 是新疆南疆特色食品的代表。有研究证实, 慕萨莱思酒具有增强机体免疫功能、抗衰老、降血脂等保健功效, 原花青素是主要功效成分之一。对慕萨莱思酒中原花青素的研究将为明确慕萨莱思酒功效成分和作用, 提高产品质量, 提升产品价值提供理论依据, 对保护新疆特色资源具有重要意义。同时, 也为原花青素在新疆传统发酵产品中的代谢途径及其活性靶标物的研究提供新思路和基础。
Musalais is one of the most important national and traditional health drinks of Uygur people in south Xinjiang, which made of the special grapes named Hotan Red and Awati Red, and producted by the traditional craft. Musalais is the art source of Daolong Maqam culture in Uygur. Musalais is one of representatives of characteristic foods in the South Xinjiang with unique locality, nationality and cultural inheritance. With respect to the sample mass concentration, studies have confirmed that moussa rice wine has enhanced the body's immune function, anti-aging, fall hematic fat, such as health care efficacy, procyanidins is one of the main effi-cacy components. Research on procyanidins in Musalais will definite the compositions and functions, improve product quality, provides theoretical basis for promoting product value. It is of significance for the protection on the characteristic resources in Xinjiang. At the same time, it also provides new ideas and basis for studies on metabolic pathway of procyanidins in traditional fermented products its active target objects in Xinjiang.
英文标题:Research progress on metabonomics method of natural active ingredients in Musalais wine in Xinjiang——taking procyanidins for example
王伟华 塔里木大学生命科学学院/新疆生产建设兵团南疆特色农产品深加工重点实验室
韩占江 塔里木大学植物科学学院新疆生产建设兵团塔里木盆地生物资源保护利用重点实验室
英文关键词:Musalais,fermented beverages,procyanidin,
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