随着海西经济区的确立与快速发展, 台湾地区经济已高度融入大陆经济体, 海峡两岸食品加速相互跨境流通, 中国食品不仅包括大陆产品、也涵盖了台湾地区产品。虽然同为中国食品, 但由于客观原因, 两岸企业分别执行两套食品添加剂法规及标准体系, 其中的差别将阻碍两岸食品贸易的发展。本文主要以食品防腐剂为例, 对比海峡两岸食品防腐剂的法规标准, 包括使用范围及限量、类别名称、种类差异, 涉及的食品范围。最后, 阐述食品防腐剂的应用前景及对海峡两岸食品添加剂在进出口贸易方面提出一些建议。
With the rapid establishment and development of the West Coast Economic Zone, economy of Taiwan area is highly integrated into the mainland economy. The Cross-Strait food accelerates the Cross-Border flow of each other, so the Chinese food contains both mainland products and products in Taiwan area. Due to objective reasons, enterprises on both sides perform two sets of food additive laws and standard systems. The differences will hinder the development of Cross-Strait trade on food. In this paper, food preservatives will be taken as an example, from which we could compare the Cross-Strait food preservatives regulations and standards, including the range of usage and limitation, category name, type differences, the range of foods involved, and the similarities and differences of the variety and limitation of food additives listed in the Cross-Strait directory. Finally, the application prospects of food preservatives and some suggestions related to Cross-Strait food preservatives in import and export trade are also discussed.
英文标题:Comparison study on regulation standards of food preservatives between two sides of Taiwan Strait
徐敦明 厦门出入境检验检疫局;集美大学生物工程学院
理云露 厦门出入境检验检疫局;集美大学生物工程学院
李建军 国家质量监督检验检疫总局标准法规中心
陈鹭平 厦门出入境检验检疫局
林立毅 厦门出入境检验检疫局
周昱 厦门出入境检验检疫局
刘光明 集美大学生物工程学院
英文关键词:Cross-Strait trade,food preservatives,food safety standards,
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