目的 建立解吸附电晕束电离质谱(DCBI-MS)快速检测微量雌激素的分析方法。方法 通过DCBI-MS 直接分析, 对比标准物质一级和二级质谱图, 对检测样品中非法添加的炔诺酮、黄体酮、甲羟孕酮、左炔诺孕酮、醋酸甲地孕酮和枸橼酸氯米芬等 6 种雌激素进行快速定性和半定量检测。结果 各目标化合物均可在 1 min 内被检出。 基于一级分子离子的定量分析, 6 种雌激素的半定量检测结果可信, 线性关系最差的醋酸甲地孕酮相关系数为 0.9471, 而黄体酮则为 0.9998。最低检出值分别是: 0.0875、0.045、0.1775、0.05、0.15、0.1 mg/L。结论 本方法无需复杂的前处理过程, 简便、快速、灵敏度高, 可用于保健食品和中成药中违禁添加微量雌激素的快速定性及半定量检测。
Obiective A rapid method for detection of the trace estrogens was developed with the desorption corona beam ionization mass spectrometry(DCBI-MS) technique. Methods The rapid qualitative and semi-quantitative identification of 6 kinds of estrogens, including norethindrone, progesterone, medroxyproge-sterone acetate, levonorgestrel, megestrol acetate and clomiphene citrate in samples was performed by comparing MS and MS2 spectra of samples with standard substances by DCBI-MS. Results All of the 6 target molecules were detected within 1 min. Quantification was achieved based on the molecular ion in MS spectra of each analyte. The semi-quantitative analysis for 6 estrogens was reliable. For example, the linear coefficient of megestrol acetate was 0.9471 while progesterone was 0.9998. The LOD of 6 kinds of estrogen were 0.0875, 0.045, 0.1775, 0.05, 0.15, 0.1 mg/L, respectively. Conclusion Without tedious sample pretreatments, the developed DCBI-MS is simple, rapid, sensitive for screening and semi-quantitative analysis of the estrogens additives in health foods and traditional Chinese patent medicines.
英文标题:Rapid determination of trace estrogens with DCBI-MS method
廖鹏 湖南师范大学,化学生物学及中药分析教育部重点实验室
侯玉兰 湖南师范大学,化学生物学及中药分析教育部重点实验室
吴婷婷 湖南师范大学,化学生物学及中药分析教育部重点实验室
刘波 湖南师范大学,化学生物学及中药分析教育部重点实验室
王华 湖南师范大学,化学生物学及中药分析教育部重点实验室
陈波 湖南师范大学,化学生物学及中药分析教育部重点实验室
英文关键词:DCBI-MS,estrogen,rapid detection,
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