目的 调查非洲风味色拉食品制作与冷藏过程中微生物污染与卫生质量变化情况。方法 试制拟定非洲色拉的基础配方, 改进工序, 观察基础配方和改进配方制作的色拉中微生物菌群的变化情况, 结合产品的感官品质变化, 拟定产品保质期。结果 非洲色拉基础配方制品菌落总数几何均数为2.1×103 cfu/g, 其中74.1%来自黄瓜, 10.0%来自番茄, 4.9%来自洋葱, 而生菜叶和鸡蛋分别占7.7% 和2.7%。通过对原料进行热烫处理, 增加3倍量白醋的新配方减菌率可达到71.4%, 保质期可由3 d延长至5 d。结论 本研究对该类食品的安全经营具有一定参考作用。
Objective To investigate the changes of microorganism and sanitation of African style salad during processing and refrigerating. Methods The basic formulation of African style salad was made, the process was processed, the changes of microorganism of this salad made in basic and new formulation were analyzed, so as to decide the shelf life. Results The total bacteria colonies of African style salad made in basic formulation were 2.1×103 cfu/g, including 74.1% from cucumbers, 10.0% from tomatoes, 4.9% from onions, 7.7% from Chinese leaves, and 2.7% from eggs, respectively. The sterilization rate of African style salad made in new formulation was 71.4% and the shelf life increased from 3 d to 5 d by blanching raw materials and increasing the dosage of white vinegar of 2 times volume. Conclusion It has great significance to the food safety management for catering industry.
英文标题:Analysis and control of bacterial flora in African style salad
陈颖 扬州大学旅游烹饪学院
蒋云升 扬州大学旅游烹饪学院
吴海峰 扬州大学旅游烹饪学院
英文关键词:African style salad,total bacteria counts,new formula,shelf,food safety,
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