目的 针对植物样品中存在的多种未知农药残留, 研究建立基于GPC-GC-MS、LC-QToF和GC-MS/MS技术为主的筛选和确证方法, 满足相关的定量分析需求。方法 以FAPAS国际实验室能力比对的玉米粉为典型样品, 采用水浸泡、乙腈缓冲体系提取、分散性固相萃取净化(d-SPE)、浓缩后, 分别依托GPC-GC-MS和LC-QToF的全扫描图谱, 采用自动数据库匹配和手工匹配的方法, 进行协同筛选可疑目标物, 并对筛选的可疑目标分析物采用GC-MS/MS确证和测定。结果 GPC-GC-MS和LC-QToF两种筛选方法成功筛选了4种可疑目标分析物, 经GC-MS/MS确证并测定, 与FAPAS盲样比对的阳性结果一致, 统计Z分数的绝对值≤0.5。 结论 该方法确证了本实验室的3种质谱系统联合使用在农药残留筛选和确证中的可行性和可靠性。
Objective To establish a method for the screening and confirmation of non-target pesticides in plant samples based on the techniques of gel permeation chromatography-gas chromatography-mass spectro-metry (GPC-GC-MS) and liquid chromatography-quaqrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry (LC-QToF). Methods After a sample pretreatment including extraction with acetic acid/acetonitrile buffer system following water immersion, cleaning up with dispersive solid-phase extraction and concentration, the sample was separately analysed with GPC-GC-MS and LC-QToF in full scan mode and subsequently selected. Based on the suspicious target analytes of the screening, gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC-MS/ MS) was used to confirm the analytes and determine them. Results Four suspicious target analytes were successfully screened by the combined techniques based on GPC-GC-MS and LC-QToF, and subsequently confirmed and determined by GC-MS/MS. The results were in accord with FAPAS test. Conclusion The method based on a combined system with GPC-GC-MS, LC-QToF and GC-MS/MS is feasible and accurate for screening and confirmation of non-target pesticides in plant samples.
英文标题:Screening and confirmation of non-target pesticide residues in plant samples using a combined system of GPC-GC-MS, LC-ToF and GC-MS/MS
卢大胜 上海疾病预防控制中心
徐骞 上海疾病预防控制中心
陈冲 上海疾病预防控制中心
冯超 上海疾病预防控制中心
林元杰 上海疾病预防控制中心
金玉娥 上海疾病预防控制中心
熊丽蓓 上海疾病预防控制中心
汪国权 上海疾病预防控制中心
英文关键词:pesticides residue screening,pesticides residue confirmation,GPC-GC-MS,LC-QToF,GC- MS/MS,
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