目的 了解福建与广东两省水产批发市场养殖鱼孔雀石绿(MG)及其代谢物的残留情况; 并通过水产批发市场活鱼以及暂养水中MG测定, 对养殖鱼MG污染情况进行溯源分析, 初步推测养殖鱼MG残留的原因, 为有效遏制MG滥用提供科学依据。方法 16个品种的66份鲜活养殖鱼分别购自福建、广东两省的3个水产批发市场, 制作成鱼肉浆; 来自同一市场的26份水样均为桂花鱼的暂养水; 样品经前处理后, 采用高压液相色谱-荧光法检测MG及其代谢物LMG的残留总量。结果 检出MG的样品占56.1%(37/66), 桂花鱼MG检出率最高(75.8%), 全部样品总MG含量在0.50~148 μg/kg之间。广东福建两省部分水产批发市场鱼类MG检出率在53.3%~60.0%之间, 地区间无明显差异。全部水样MG检测均为阴性。结论 福建、广东两省部分水产批发市场活鱼MG检出率高, 水产批发市场活鱼暂养水不含MG, 初步推测桂花鱼运输、批发零售环节使用MG的可能性较少, 市售桂花鱼MG检出率高的原因可能是养殖环节MG的滥用。
Objective To monitor and assess the residues of malachite green (MG) and its metabolite leuco-malachite green (LMG) in freshwater fish from Fujian and Guangdong provinces. And to carry out the residual traceability of MG for finding the main reasons of high percentage of MG in Chinese perch. Methods A total of 16 kinds of 66 fish samples and 26 water samples were collected from the retailers in Fujian and Guangdong province. After samples being homogenized and pretreated, the concentration of total MG in samples was quantified by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with fluorescence detector. The MG positive samples analyzed by HPLC were confirmed by HPLC-mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS). Results The detection rate of MG was 56.1% (37/66) with levels ranged from 0.50 to 148 μg/kg in samples. MG was detected in 75.8% (25/33) of Chinese perch. The detection rate of MG (53.3%~60.0%) was very similar in freshwater fish sold in Fujian and Guangdong in the retailer. Conclusion High percentage of MG was found in freshwater fish from Fujian and Guangdong province. And no MG was found in water sample from the same cultured pool in the markets. It is indicated that the illegal application of MG in supply chains for Chinese perch may be in the cultivation rather than in the long store and wholesale.
英文标题:Investigation and traceability of residual malachite green and its metabolite in freshwater fish
傅武胜 福建省疾病预防控制中心,福建省人兽共患病研究重点实验室;福建医科大学公共卫生学院
郑奎城 福建省疾病预防控制中心,福建省人兽共患病研究重点实验室
邱文倩 福建省疾病预防控制中心,福建省人兽共患病研究重点实验室
王琪林 福建医科大学公共卫生学院
方勤美 福建省农业科学院生物技术研究所
英文关键词:freshwater fish,malachite green,residues,traceability,
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