目的 对小型西瓜的糖度值分布及其影响因素进行定量分析研究, 建立快速、有效、精确的近红外光谱西瓜糖度的光谱检测模型。方法 沿西瓜花纹和垂直花纹两个方向将其五等分, 每个等分层上平均设置13个检测点, 对糖度分布进行检测和分析。结果 西瓜的糖度主要沿西瓜花纹分布, 两侧糖度值低, 中间三层糖度值接近, 第三和第四层的糖度值与西瓜总糖度值密切相关, 线性回归方程R2值分别为0.963和0.968。沿西瓜花纹进行等分后, 每个等分层的糖度值围绕西瓜总糖度上下波动, 浅层区域的糖度值与西瓜总糖度值具有较高的相关性。此外, 沿着西瓜纹路方向等分的半个西瓜的糖度值与整个西瓜的糖度值线性相关度R2达到0.934。结论 小型西瓜内部糖度分布具有一定的规律, 中间三层及浅层区域与西瓜总糖度值有较高相关性, 沿着西瓜纹路方向等分的半个西瓜可以用来预测整个西瓜的糖度值。
Objective To investigate the internal Brix distribution and its influencing factors of small watermelon, so as to develop a rapid, effective and accurate prediction model between the sugar content of small water-melon and Vis/NIR diffuse transmittance spectral characteristics. Methods The watermelon was cut into five equal pieces from two directions (one was along the watermelon patterns, the other was perpendicular to the patterns) and 13 detective points were set in each piece. The Brix distribution was detected and analyzed. Results The results showed that the Brix distribution was mainly along the watermelon patterns, which the sugar content of the edge sides was low while the middle was high. Furthermore, the Brix value of the third and fourth pieces and the total Brix value had a high linearity, with R2 of 0.963 and 0.968 respectively. The sugar content of each point along the patterns was fluctuating around the total Brix value. The Outer regions of watermelon showed a high linear correlation with total Brix value. In addition, the R2 of linear model between Brix value of half watermelon and total one is 0.934. Conclusion The internal Brix distribution of small watermelon follows a certain rules. The middle and the outer regions of the watermelon are of high linear correlations to total Brix value. The Brix value of half watermelon is valuable to represent the total Brix value.
英文标题:Internal Brix distribution and its influencing factors of small watermelon
朱倩倩 浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院,农业部设施农业装备与信息化重点实验室
管劼昊 浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院,农业部设施农业装备与信息化重点实验室
李旷开 浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院,农业部设施农业装备与信息化重点实验室
饶秀勤 浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院,农业部设施农业装备与信息化重点实验室
英文关键词:small watermelon,Brix distribution,near-infrared spectrometry,
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