目的 比较不同温度下肠炎沙门氏菌(SE)在蛋黄、蛋清中的生存能力。方法 无菌分离蛋黄蛋清, 将SE稀释液分别接种于蛋黄、蛋清中, 使SE-蛋清/蛋黄混合液中SE的浓度约为103 CFU/mL。不同温度下培养, 每4 h/8 h用平板计数法测定SE-蛋清/蛋黄混合液中菌液浓度, 据此作出SE浓度变化曲线。结果 4 ℃时SE缓慢增殖, 20 ℃和37 ℃时SE快速增殖, 39 ℃时蛋清成分开始发挥有效的抑菌作用, 42 ℃时蛋清中的SE能够被快速清除。结论 严格控制污染源, 并低温保存鸡蛋以限制鸡蛋中SE含量的快速增加。
Objective To study the Salmonella enteritidis (SE) survival characteristics in chicken egg albumen and yolk at different temperatures. Methods Eggs were aseptically broken and the yolk and the albumen were separated. The diluted culture of SE was respectively mixed with egg albumen and yolk to a concentration of approximately 103 CFU/mL. SE-albumen/yolk mixtures were incubated at different temperatures, and plated on BGS plates to determine the concentration of SE every 4 h/8 h, and the concentration curve of SE was made accordingly. Results SE multiplied slowly at 4 ℃, and multiplied rapidly at 20 ℃ and 37 ℃. The antibacterial action of the albumen component began to take effect at 39 ℃. SE in egg albumen was quickly eliminated at 42 ℃. Conclusion The pollution sources should be controlled strictly, and eggs should be stored at a low temperature to limit the fast multiplication of SE in eggs.
英文标题:Survival characteristics of Salmonella enteritidis in chicken egg albumen and yolk at different temperatures
樊世杰 中国农业大学动物科技学院
郑江霞 中国农业大学动物科技学院
徐桂云 中国农业大学动物科技学院
英文关键词:Salmonella Enteritidis,eggs,temperature,multiply,
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