目的 调查上海市售贝类产品中麻痹性贝类毒素污染状况。方法 2010年8月~2011年7月间, 在上海水产品批发市场进行5种贝类样品采集, 每月抽取样品24份, 全年共288份。采用生物法(SC/T 3023-2004)对其进行了麻痹性贝类毒素的检测, 其中虾夷扇贝的肠腺和肌肉(扇贝柱)进行分开测定。结果 缢蛏、菲律宾蛤仔、牡蛎、文蛤、虾夷扇贝肠腺和肌肉中麻痹性贝类毒素的含量范围分别为ND~121.5 MU/100 g、ND~113.4 MU/100 g、ND~177.7 MU/100 g、ND~124.6 MU/100 g、261.7~3363.5 MU/100 g和ND。全年麻痹性贝类毒素的平均含量分别在98.5±10.5 MU/100 g、78.6±9.3 MU/100 g、50.4±10.1 MU/100 g、40.6±14.8 MU/100 g、1242.2±974.3 MU/100 g和0。按照目前我国贝类产品主要出口国家和国际组织对麻痹性贝类毒素的限量要求进行评价, 仅仅是虾夷扇贝肠腺中麻痹性贝类毒素超标, 超标率为98%, 因此在食用扇贝时应去除其肠腺; 而其余贝类产品中麻痹性贝类毒素均在限量规定范围内。结论 上海市售贝类产品对食用的安全性不产生负面影响。
Objective To investigate the paralytic shellfish poison in shellfish collected from aquatic product wholesale market of Shanghai and to evaluate their edible safety. Methods A total of 288 shellfish samples (24 samples per month) including 5 species of shellfish were collected from aquatic product wholesale market of Shanghai during August 2010 to July 2011. Paralytic shellfish poison (PSP) in shellfish was detected using biological method (SC/T 3023-2004) and the scallop intestinal gland and muscle (scallop) were separately determined. Results The contents range of PSP in razor clam, clam, oyster, Philippines clam, scallop intestinal gland and muscle were ND~121.5 MU/100 g, ND~113.4 MU/100 g, ND~177.7 MU/100 g, ND~124.6 MU/100 g, 261.7~3363.5 MU/100 g, and ND, respectively; The average contents of PSP in shellfish were 98.5±10.5 MU/100 g, 78.6±9.3 MU/100 g, 50.4±10.1 MU/100 g, 40.6±14.8 MU/100 g, 1242.2±974.3 MU/100 g, and 0, respectively. Evaluated according to the PSP limitation requirements by the mainly exported countries of China's shellfish products and international organizations, only the samples of scallop intestinal gland exceed the PSP standard and the exceeding rate was 98%. So the scallop should remove the intestinal glands in order to improve safety for eating. The rest shellfish products have no negative impact on edible safety because there PSP contents are well below the standard limitation range. Conclusion The shellfish collected from aquatic product wholesale market of Shanghai are generally safe.
英文标题:Investigation and evaluation of paralytic shellfish poison in shellfish collected from aquatic product wholesale market in Shanghai
钱蓓蕾 中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所
徐捷 中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所
王媛 中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所
沈晓盛 中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所
顾润润 中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所
英文关键词:shellfish products,paralytic shellfish poison,evaluation,Shanghai,
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