流动注射分析系统的发展及其在过程 监控中的应用
过程监控能为过程控制及质量控制提供及时且有价值的信息。发展自动化的在线分析系统是实现过程监控的关键。流动注射技术的发展提高了分析仪器的自动化和智能化水平, 流动注射在线分析系统具有分析速度快、样品和试剂消耗少, 不仅可以实现样品的在线检测, 而且还能实现样品的在线前处理, 因此在过程分析中得到了广泛应用, 甚至成为了实现过程分析的必要技术手段。发展性能优异的流动注射分析系统而满足不同的过程分析, 是国内外的热点研究课题。本文的目的是通过综述流动注射分析系统的发展, 及其在食品加工过程监控、发酵过程监控和化学反应过程监控中的应用研究进展, 强调发展新型流动注射分析系统对于过程分析的重要性, 并期待能进一步推动这方面工作的开展。
The process monitoring provided timely valuable information for process control and quality control. Developing automated on-line analysis system was the key to realize process monitoring. The development of flow injection (FI) technique had promoted the levels of automation and intellectualization of analytical instruments. FI on-line analysis system had the advantages of fast analysis speed, less sample and reagent consumption. It could not only realize on-line detection, but also could realize on-line sample pretreatment, leading to a widely application in process analysis, and even become a necessary technical measure for process analysis. Developing FI on-line analysis system with excellent properties was a hot focus of national and international study. The aim of this article was to review the development of the FIA system, and its application progresses in food processing monitoring, fermentation process monitoring and chemical reaction process monitoring, so that to further demonstrate the importance of novel FIA system for the process analysis, as well as to promote development of such research work.
标题:流动注射分析系统的发展及其在过程 监控中的应用
英文标题:The development of flow injection analysis system and its application to process monitoring
张润坤 中山大学化学与化学工程学院
胡玉斐 中山大学化学与化学工程学院
李攻科 中山大学化学与化学工程学院
英文关键词:flow injection,process monitoring,on-line,real-time,
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