中华鳖富含蛋白质、人体必需氨基酸、二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)、二十碳五烯酸(EPA)、微量元素和B族维生素、叶酸等活性物质, 具有提高人体免疫力、促进新陈代谢、增强抗病能力、延缓衰老等功效, 是中国传统的滋补强身珍品, 有较高的营养和药用价值。而今随着养鳖业的迅猛发展, 养殖产量越来越多, 甲鱼加工产品对提高产品附加值、促进产业发展具重要意义。本文介绍了目前中华鳖加工主要产品及其加工工艺, 为其开发与综合利用提供思路。将鲜活甲鱼通过蒸煮、冻干、发酵、酶解等加工工艺, 制成冻干粉、酒、饮料、多肽产品和即食产品等类型的食品, 其全身油、壳、骨等有待进一步充分利用。
Chinese soft-shelled turtle is a kind of traditional food with high nutritional values and various health-giving effects, which is rich in protein, essential amino acids, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), trace elements and B vitamins, folic acid and other active substances. It can improve human immunity, promote metabolism, and enhance the ability of resistance, anti-aging effect and so on. With the rapid development of aquaculture industry, the output of Chinese soft-shelled turtle increases dramatically, so it has the important meaning of processed products to improve product added value and promote industrial development. This paper introduced the main processed products of Chinese soft-shelled turtle and their processing techniques, so as to provide insights for its development and comprehensive utilization. By some processing techniques, such as cooking, freeze-dried, fermentation, enzymatic hydrolysis, the fresh turtle could be produced many types of food, such as wine, beverage, polypeptide and ready-to-eat products. It was important to make full use of whole turtle body oil, shell, bone, etc, to promote industrial development.
英文标题:Research status of processing techniques of Chinese soft-shelled turtle products
王扬 浙江省水产质量检测中心
张海琪 浙江省水产质量检测中心
周凡 浙江省水产质量检测中心
李诗言 浙江省水产质量检测中心
陆炜 浙江省水产质量检测中心
英文关键词:Chinese soft-shelled turtle,process technology,comprehensive utilization,
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