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[生物] 烟台市生食水产品中副溶血弧菌污染调查 及风险评价

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admin 发表于 2025-1-29 10:30 | 查看全部 阅读模式

烟台市生食水产品中副溶血弧菌污染调查 及风险评价
目的  了解烟台市可生食水产品副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus, VP)的污染水平, 分析摄食可生食水产品后VP致病风险概率, 为强化监督和监管以及指导消费者理性消费, 提供科学依据。方法  按照GB 4789.7-2013的要求, 对分层随机抽样的样本进行VP的检测, 采用Beta-Poisson 模型拟合量化评价每次摄食可生食水产品导致的VP发病概率。结果  可生食水品中VP总体污染率为16.89%。甲壳类最高达到22.22%, 鱼类、贝壳类、头足类和其他类(海参、海蜇)的VP污染率分别为17.39%、17.19%、5.88%、16.67%, 类别间无显著性差异(X2=2.028, P=0.731)。餐饮环节的生食水产品中VP污染高于零售环节, 小型餐饮店高于中型和大型餐饮店, 分别为33.33%、19.35%、15.15%。7~9月份是可生食水产品中VP高污染的时间节点, 也是食用可生食水产品平均每次的VP发病概率最高的时间段, 达到1.57×10-4, 而5~6月份、10~12月份VP发病概率较低分别为9.09×10-5、3.75×10-5。结论  可生食水品中VP的污染相对较高, 7~9月份为VP高污染和VP高发病概率的月份。同类水产品中VP污染率低于可生食水产品, 表明生产加工是可生食水产品中VP污染主要因素之一, 餐饮环节的可生食水产品污染率高于零售环节。建议主管部门强化可生食水品加工环节的卫生监督, 规范其加工生产工艺; 建议食品企业实施HACCP安全保证体系。消费者尽量少食或不食可生食水产品, 对于水产品尽量加热熟透食用。

Objective  To evaluate the contamination level of Vibio parahamolylicus (VP) in edible raw aquatic products and assess the risk value of VP by single ingesting of raw aquatic products. Methods  The VP infection of stratified random sample was detected by GB 4789.7-2013. The probability of VP morbidity for single eating of edible raw aquatic product was calculated by Beta-Poisson model, and the risk value was analyzed by crystal ball software. Results  The pollution rate of VP in single eating portion of raw aquatic product was 16.89%. The highest contamination rate of VP was 22.22% from crustaceans product, and the rate of fish, shellfish, cephalopods and other classes (eg, jellyfish, trepan, etc) product was 17.39%, 17.19%, 5.88% and 16.67%, respectively. The contamination rate of VP in catering was higher than that of retail sale for the products, and in small restaurant was higher than that of medium and large restaurant. The third season had the highest pollution rate of VP, also it was the season which had the highest risk value of VP morbidity for single eating of raw aquatic products. It was 1.57×10-4 that the probability of VP morbidity for single eating of raw aquatic product during July~September, more than that of 9.09×10-5 and 3.75×10-5 during may~june and october~december. Conclusion  It has a higher pollution rate of VP by eating raw aquatic product, and the highest risk value of VP morbidity appears in the third quarter. It is recommended to strengthen the sanitary inspection and intensified processing. It is proposed to decline the pollution rate of VP by implementing hazard analysis and critical control points to control VP contamination.

标题:烟台市生食水产品中副溶血弧菌污染调查 及风险评价
英文标题:Research of contamination of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and risk assessment on eating raw aquatic products in Yantai

宫春波 烟台市疾病预防控制中心食品营养与学生保健科
王朝霞 烟台市疾病预防控制中心食品营养与学生保健科
刘磊 烟台市疾病预防控制中心食品营养与学生保健科
孙月琳 烟台市疾病预防控制中心食品营养与学生保健科
董峰光 烟台市疾病预防控制中心食品营养与学生保健科

英文关键词:edible raw aquatic products,Vibrio parahaemolyticus,food contamination,

2025-1-28 18:52 上传
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