目的 为了科学、真实地反映食品包装内衬纸中重金属(As、Pb、Cr、Cd)的迁移量。方法 采用醋酸对内衬纸中可转移性重金属进行萃取, 并利用单因素分析和响应面方法中的Box-Behnken模型(BBD)优化了醋酸提取内衬纸中可转移性重金属的条件。 结果 适宜的提取条件为: 样品称样量1.0 g, 醋酸浓度4.0%, 萃取时间4 h, 萃取温度60 ℃, 在此条件下内衬纸中可转移性重金属的理论提取含量分别为铅1.44 mg/kg, 砷0.105 mg/kg, 镉0.081 mg/kg, 铬4.31 mg/kg。 结论 预测值与测定值相对误差分别为0.35%, 3.97%, 4.54%和0.97%, 与理论预测值相差不显著, 具有很好的实用价值。
Objective To reflect the migration of heavy metals (As, Pb, Cr, and Cd) in food packaging lining paper by using acetic acid. Methods By using single factor analysis and response surface method in the Box-Behnken model (BBD), the conditions of the transferrable heavy metal extraction by acetic acid in food packaging lining paper was optimized. Results The extraction condition for the sample was: 1.0 g of sample, 4% acetic acid, extraction time 4 h, extraction temperature 60 ℃, and the theoretical extraction content of heavy metals in food packaging lining paper was 1.44 mg/kg of Pb, 0.105 mg/kg of As, 0.081 mg/kg of Cr, and 4.31 mg/kg of Cd, respectively. Conclusion The relative error between the prediction value and the measured value was 0.35%, 3.97%, 4.54% and 0.97%, respectively, and the predicted values did not differ significantly with the theoretical values, which showed an important practical value.
英文标题:Optimization of extraction conditions of transferring heavy metal acetate in food packaging inner lining paper by response surface method
薄云川 江苏中烟工业有限责任公司徐州卷烟厂
张洪召 江苏中烟工业有限责任公司徐州卷烟厂
刘尚鹏 江苏中烟工业有限责任公司徐州卷烟厂
崔明健 江苏中烟工业有限责任公司徐州卷烟厂
丁超 江苏中烟工业有限责任公司徐州卷烟厂
张合川 江苏中烟工业有限责任公司徐州卷烟厂
李春雷 江苏中烟工业有限责任公司徐州卷烟厂
于海洋 江苏中烟工业有限责任公司徐州卷烟厂
殷延齐 江苏中烟工业有限责任公司徐州卷烟厂
英文关键词:food packaging lining paper,acetic acid,transfer of heavy metals,single-factor analysis,response surface methodology,