农业面源污染已成为制约长治市农业和农村经济可持续发展的重要因素, 也是当前农村生态环境恶化的重要原因之一。本文就长治市农业面源污染现状、成因进行了分析探讨, 并在此基础上从政策、法规和技术等方面提出了控制和治理农业面源污染的对策。从化肥和农药的使用污染、集约化养殖污染、农田秸秆的无序利用及农村生活污水污染等方面阐述了农业面源污染的成因, 联系实际分析了农业面源污染控制中出现的问题, 详细阐述了如何改善农业面源污染现状, 保护农业生态环境, 保障农产品质量安全, 实现农业和农村经济的可持续发展。
The agricultural non-point source pollution, which has been making the environment worse, constrains the sustainable development of agriculture and rural economy of Changzhi. Based on the current situation, the causes of the agricultural non-point source pollution and the solution including technology, policies, and regulations on how to prevent and cure the pollution were discussed in this paper. The main causes of pol-lution included the use of fertilizers and pesticides, intensive farming, and disorderly utilization of farmland straw and rural sewage. The paper explained how to improve the situation of agricultural non-point source pollution, how to protect the agricultural ecological environment, how to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products and how to achieve sustainable development of agriculture and the rural economy.
英文标题:Countermeasures of current situation and control of agricultural non-point source pollution
付丽霞 长治市农业能源环保监测站
李云乐 长治市农业能源环保监测站
中文关键词:农业面源污染,现状 防治,对策,
英文关键词:agricultural,non-point,source pollution , status, to,prevent and,cure, countermeasures,
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