食品过敏已引起了国际组织和世界各国家的高度重视, 但由于食物的种类成千上万, 各国家、各地区饮食习惯不同, 机体对食物适应性的差异等导致致敏食物的不同。所以注意过敏原标识, 远离含有过敏原的食品是预防和减少对消费者不良影响的方法之一。本文首先介绍对世界各国建立食品安全标准体系具有重要指导意义的食品法典委员会对过敏原标识的要求, 继而系统性地介绍美国、欧盟、日本、韩国、加拿大、智利等国家参照其规定制定的过敏原标识管理法规、制度及存在的问题, 最后对我国过敏原标识管理的现状进行考察, 对我国过敏原管理提出建设性意见及建议。
Food allergy has aroused high attentions in international organisms around the world. However, there exist different kinds of allergy foodstuffs, because of abundant types of food and the dietetic custom differences among the countries and territories. Therefore, the effective ways to reduce the influence on consumers are to notice the labels and keep away from the allergic foodstuffs. This article first introduced the CAC codex on foodstuff allergen label, which was very important for the whole world to establish the food safety standards. Secondly, it systematically introduced the label codes and regulations established according to the codex in such countries and territories as USA, EU, Japan, Korea, Canada, Chile, etc and the problems as well. At last, it reviewed the present status in food allergen label administration, and proposed some opinions and suggestions.
英文标题:The label administration of food allergens
张霞 天津出入境检验检疫局
赵天来 天津出入境检验检疫局
赵良娟 天津出入境检验检疫局
郑文杰 天津出入境检验检疫局
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