对食品安全风险排序的目的、概念、步骤、评价指标和计算方法等方面的研究进展进行了归纳和介绍, 提出了风险排序面临的挑战和相应的措施建议。风险排序是一种可以用来进行确认、分级并得出最重要风险的技术方法, 其目的是为了更好地分配风险管理资源。风险排序的步骤包括危害列表、评价指标确立和计算排序3步。风险排序的指标是在风险排序中用于衡量风险等级的不同维度, 针对不同类型的风险需要设定不同的评价指标。在食品安全领域, 风险排序主要有基于多种判据排序法和风险期望值排序法两种主要类型, 多种判据排序法更适合农产品风险排序, 风险期望值排序法更适合食品风险排序。风险排序面临大量不同性质风险同时并存及主观判断干扰等方面的挑战, 正确的方式是在排序之前对风险及其性质进行分类, 并选择合适的排序方法。
The research developments of meaning, concept, process, factors and methods on risk ranking were summarized. The challenge and suggestion on risk ranking were proposed. Risk ranking is a technical method used to confirm, sort and find out the most important risk, which goal is to allocate risk management resources better. The method is divided into three steps generally, namely list of hazards, establishment of evaluation criteria and ranking. Risk ranking criteria are different dimensions used to measure the risk level and for the ranking of different types of risks,there is different evaluation criteria needed to be considered. The methods on risk ranking for food safety were classified especially. Multicriteria-based ranking is more suitable for risk ranking of agriculture products and risk expectation ranking is more suitable for risk ranking of food. The risk should be classified and the proper method should be selected to face the challenge.
英文标题:Review on the research development of risk ranking for food safety
李乐 中国水产科学研究院
刘永涛 中国水产科学研究院长江水产研究所
何雅静 中国水产科学研究院
宋怿 中国水产科学研究院
英文关键词:food safety,agricultural products,risk ranking,
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