作为一种新型的荧光纳米材料, 量子点的应用范围已从材料学、生物医学领域扩大到食品领域, 促进了食品安全快速检测技术的发展。本文阐述了量子点特有的光学性质, 如宽的激发光谱、窄的发射光谱、可精确调谐的发射波长、良好的光稳定性等, 并综述了量子点作为一种良好的荧光标记物, 在致病菌、生物毒素、农兽药残留、非法添加剂和重金属等食品安全快速检测领域的应用进展情况。传统的检测方法存在检测时间长、灵敏度不高、样品前处理繁琐及对样品基质的抗干扰能力不强等缺点, 难以满足实际检测的需求。而基于量子点的荧光检测方法弥补了这些缺点, 必将越来越多地被应用于现代食品分析检测领域。
Quantum dots, as new pattern of fluorescent nanomaterials, have been used in an expanded range from material sciences, biolology and medicine to food field, stimulating the development of food analysis and detection techniques. This article reviewed the advantages of quantum dots, such as broad excitation spectrum, narrow-band emission spectrum, and high chemical stability. This article also reviewed the research progress and application prospect pathogens of quantum dots in food safety testing, such as biotoxins, pesticide and veterinary drug residues, illegal additives, heavy metal, and so on. Traditional detection methods have some deficiencies, such as long detection time, low sensitivity, tedious sample preparation and weak anti-interference ability. It is difficult to meet the needs of actual testing. The flu-orescence detection method based on quantum dots make up for these shortcomings, increasingly being used in modern food analysis detection.
英文标题:Recent advances of quantum dots application in detection for food safety
高雪 渤海大学化学化工与食品安全学院,辽宁省食品安全重点实验室,辽宁省高校重大科技平台“食品贮藏加工及质量安全控制工程技术研究中心”
汤轶伟 渤海大学化学化工与食品安全学院,辽宁省食品安全重点实验室,辽宁省高校重大科技平台“食品贮藏加工及质量安全控制工程技术研究中心”
张德福 渤海大学化学化工与食品安全学院,辽宁省食品安全重点实验室,辽宁省高校重大科技平台“食品贮藏加工及质量安全控制工程技术研究中心”
励建荣 渤海大学化学化工与食品安全学院,辽宁省食品安全重点实验室,辽宁省高校重大科技平台“食品贮藏加工及质量安全控制工程技术研究中心”
英文关键词:quantum dots,food safety,rapid detection technique,
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