福建省是我国产茶大省。茶叶作为一种农产品, 是地理标志保护的重要领域之一。我国茶类地理标志保护有3 种制度, 分别为国家质检总局系统的地理标志保护产品制度、国家工商总局系统的地理标志商标制度, 以及农业部系统的农产品地理标志制。福建省茶叶在3大系统中均有注册地理标志, 其中, 茶叶类地理标志保护产品共有10个, 茶叶类地理标志商标42个, 茶叶类农产品地理标志15个, 3种茶类地理标志均处于全国前列位置。在3个制度并存的条件下, 福建省茶类地理标志保护存在重视注册地理标志但保护力度仍然不足等问题。本文在概述福建省地理标志保护现状及分析主要问题的前提下, 通过借鉴茶类地理标志保护成熟的地区以及本省实际, 对福建如何实施好茶叶地理标志保护提出建议。
Fujian is the largest province in tea production in China. As an agricultural product, tea is one of the important products which need to be protected by geographical indications. There are three systems for the tea geographical indications protection in China, the state quality inspection administration system of protection of geographical indications products system, the state administration for industry and commerce system of geographical indications trademark system and the department of agriculture system of the agricultural product geographical indications system. Fujian province teas have been registered geographical indications in all of the 3 systems, including 10 geographical indications of tea products, 42 geographical indication trademarks of tea and 15 tea geographical indications of agricultural products, the numbers of tea geographical indications are in the top place in China in any kind of systems. However, under the situation of coexistence of the 3 systems, although people paid more attention on the tea registration of geographical indications than before, the protection of geographical indications is still not enough. This paper was based on the present situation introduction of tea geographical indications protection in Fujian Province, through learning the successful experiences from other tea areas and analyzing the actual problems in Fujian Province, to put forward some good suggests about how to implement the tea protection of geographical indications effectively.
英文标题:Geographical indications protection of Fujian tea and its development strategy
郑政煌 福建农林大学园艺学院
郭雅玲 福建农林大学园艺学院
金珊 福建农林大学园艺学院
英文关键词:Fujian province,tea,geographical indications protection,
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