顶空气相色谱法测定食品包装复合膜中 挥发性有机物
目的 建立1种利用岛津GC-2010 plus气相色谱仪及Equity-1色谱柱用于食品包装复合膜中常见15种挥发性有机物(苯类、酯类、酮类、醇类等)含量的顶空-气相色谱检测方法, 为有效检测挥发性有机物提供参考。方法 采用顶空-气相色谱法, 选用Equity-1(30m×0.53mm×5.0μm)的毛细管色谱柱进行各挥发性有机物的分离测定。结果 所建立的方法分离效果理想, 该法在含量0.01~1.00 mg/m2线性关系良好, 15种挥发性有机物的线性相关系数均大于0.999(除了邻二甲苯为0.998外), 加标回收率为82%~111%, 相对标准偏差(n=5)为2.9%~7.1%, 检出限均达到10-3数量级。结论 所建立的岛津色谱仪方法能够满足实际分析的要求。
Objective To determin 15 residual organic solvents in laminated films used for food packages by SHIMADZU Gas Chromatography and Quity-1 capillary column. Methods All the 15 organic residues are separated and determinedwith quity-1 capillary chromatographic column(30m×0.53mm×5.0μm)by Head-Space-Gas Chromatography(HS-GC). Results All the 15 organic residues were separated well (without m-xylene and p-xylene), the standard curves were linear in the range of 0.01-1.00 mg/m2, r>0.999(except o-xylene), the recoveries were 82%~111% with Relative Standard Deviation (RSD)(n=5) in the range from 2.9% to 7.1%, and detection limits (S/N=3) reaching the level of 10-3. Conclusion The method by Shimadzu GC chromatograph can meet the needs of practical analysis.
标题:顶空气相色谱法测定食品包装复合膜中 挥发性有机物
英文标题:Determination of residual organic solvents in laminated films used for food packages by HS-GC
许涵秋 龙岩市产品质量检验所
英文关键词:food package,volatile organic compounds (VOCs),headspace,gas chromatography,
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