摘要:为有效缓解三北地区高比例可再生能源并网所存在的大规模弃风问题,将火电机组、热电联产机组、光热电站、风电厂和电热负荷聚合为虚拟电厂。首先采用场景分析法对日前风光场景进行随机优化,降低风光预测误差;利用综合需求响应机制充分调动电热柔性负荷资源。然后综合考虑系统运行成本、弃风成本和需求响应成本构建虚拟电厂(virtual power plant,VPP)系统日前调度优化模型,并在多种运行模式下求解以获得最优日前调度计划。最后通过算例分析验证所提方案在提高系统经济性的同时能有效促进风电消纳。
Abstract:In order to alleviated the problem effectively that large-scale wind curtailment caused by the high proportion of renewable energy connected to the grid in the three-north area, the thermal power units, combined heat and power units (CHP), concentrating solar power plant (CSPP), wind farm and electric-heat load were aggregated into virtual power plants (VPP). Firstly, the scene analysis method was used to optimized the day ahead wind power and solar scene randomly to reduce the prediction error; Made full use of the integrated demand response mechanism to dispatch the electric-heat flexible load resources. And then based on the wind curtailment cost, the operation cost and demand response cost, the day-ahead scheduling optimal model was constructed, got the optimal day-ahead scheduling planning through solving model in different mode. Finally, according to the example verified that the proposed scheme could promote wind power consumption while improving the system economy effectively.
英文标题:Day-ahead Optimal Scheduling Strategy of Virtual Power Plant Considering Integrated Demand Response