摘要:针对大规模海上风电并网对陆上电网运行带来的影响,结合海上风电与输电系统互联,逐步形成“海上电网”的新趋势,提出一种基于统一潮流控制器(unified power flow controller , UPFC)和拓扑调整的海上风电功率控制策略,对具有互联效应的海上电网中的潮流分布进行控制,构建陆上电网最优潮流和含UPFC和拓扑调整的海上风电功率控制两层联合优化运行模型。算例结果表明,提出的UPFC和拓扑调整的联合控制策略可以较好地控制海上风电功率在各个并网点之间的功率分配,实现陆上电网对海上风电功率在各个并网点功率分配的需求,有利于海上风电友好地接入陆上电网。
Abstract:In allusion to the impact of grid-connection of large-scale offshore wind power on the operation of onshore power grid and considering the new trend of interconnecting offshore wind power with onshore power transmission system to gradually form the offshore grid, an offshore wind power control strategy based on the unified power flow controller (abbr. UPFC) and the topology adjustment was proposed to control the power flow distribution in offshore power system possessing the interconnection effect, and a bi-layer joint optimal operation model, in which the control of optimal power flow of onshore power grid and the control of offshore wind power containing UPFC and topological adjustment were included, was constructed. Results of computing example show that using the proposed joint control strategy containing UPFC and topology adjustment, the power distribution of offshore wind power among all grid-connection points can be well controlled to implement the requirement of onshore power grid for the power distribution of offshore wind power among all grid-connection points and it is beneficial for friendly grid-connecting offshore wind power into onshore power grid.
英文标题:A Power Control Strategy of Offshore Wind Power Based on Unified Power Flow Controller and Topology Adjustment