摘要:我国电价交叉补贴的存在使得工业部门用电成本较高,不利于工业企业的发展和行业资源的优化配置。基于此,运用价差法和对数平均迪氏指数分解法(logarithmic mean divisia index, LMDI)对我国工业部门电价交叉补贴的规模及其影响因素进行了研究。实证测算结果表明:我国工业部门电价交叉补贴规模呈现波动上升的发展态势,从2008年的190.54亿元上升到2018年的910.42亿元;不同时期我国工业部门电价交叉补贴规模影响因素存在较大差异,2008—2014年期间价格机制是影响我国工业部门电价交叉补贴规模变动的最大因素,2015—2018年工业部门电力消费量成为最大影响因素。所提方法可为电力市场化改革背景下我国电价交叉补贴的解决路径和政策制定提供一定的参考。
Abstract:The electricity price cross-subsidy in China made the cost of electricity in the industrial sector higher, so it was not conducive to the development of industrial enterprises and the optimal allocation of industry resources. For this reason, by use of spread method and logarithmic mean Divisia index (abbr. LMDI) the scale of industrial sector electricity price cross-subsidy in China and its influencing factors were researched. The empirical calculation results show that the scale of industrial sector electricity price cross-subsidy in China has shown a fluctuating and rising development trend, from 19.054 billion CNY in 2008 to 91.04 billion CNY in 2018; and there are large differences in the influence factors of domestic industrial sector electricity price cross-subsidy scale in different periods: from 2008 to 2014 the price mechanism was the biggest factor, and from 2015 to 2018, the industrial sector’s power consumption was the biggest factor. The proposed method could provide a certain reference for the solution path and policy formulation of domestic electricity price cross-subsidy under the background of the electricity market reform
英文标题:Influencing Factors of Cross-Subsidy Scale of Electricity Tariffs in Chinese Industrial Sector Using Pricing Gap and Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index Methods