摘要:由于可再生能源发电具有的不确定性与波动性,弃风弃光现象居高不下。可再生能源消纳责任权重制(renewable energy portfolio standard,RPS)试图通过规定供用电主体的消纳责任,保障可再生能源发电主体的经济运行。因此,分析RPS下电力市场中源荷储运行策略以及市场均衡状态变得尤为重要。基于电力现货市场与RPS规则,提出了用于分析RPS下电力市场中源荷储交互均衡的2阶段模型:下层模型考虑了可再生能源发电不确定性的日前现货市场出清模型和超额消纳量交易模型;上层模型中微电网基于下层模型的分时节点电价和超额消纳量交易价格,优化投资、交易、运行策略。文章使用对角化算法迭代求解上述双层均衡问题,并以IEEE 14节点为例验证模型和算法的可行性。结果表明微电网投资、运行和交易策略在RPS下发生显著改变,系统可再生能源消纳量显著提升。
Abstract:Because of the uncertainty and volatility of renewable energy generation, and the renewable energy curtailment ratio remained stubbornly high, the renewable energy portfolio standard (abbr. RPS) was proposed to promote the development of renewable energy by stipulating the accommodation responsibility of main electricity buyers and consumers to ensure the economic operation of the main part of renewable energy generation. For this reason, it became especially important to analyze the source-load-storage operation strategy and the market equilibrium in electricity market under RPS. Based on RPS rule and electricity spot market a bi-level model was established to analyze source-load-storage interaction equilibrium in the electricity market under RPS: the model of the lower layer contained a day-ahead spot market clearing model an excess consumption trading model, in which the uncertainty of renewable energy generation was considered; based on the time-of-use nodal price and the excess accommodated quantity trading price of the lower layer model the microgrid in the upper layer model optimized the investment, transaction, and operation strategies. The diagonalization algorithm was used to iteratively solve the above-mentioned bi-level equilibrium problem, and taking IEEE 14-bus system for example the feasibility of the established models and algorithm were verified. Results of the verification show that the investment, operation and transaction strategy of microgrid significantly change under RPS, and the accommodated quantity of renewable energy in microgrid is significantly promoted.
英文标题:Equilibrium Analysis of Microgrids in Renewable Portfolio Standard-Constrained Spot Market Considering Source-load-storage Interaction
作者:黄欣, 蒋凯, 郇嘉嘉, 赵敏彤, 刘念,
关键词:可再生能源消纳责任权重, 现货市场, 市场均衡, 超额消纳量, 微电网,
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