Abstract:Taking electric vehicles (EV) and charging stations (CS) as the link, a complex coupling correction between urban power network (PN) and traffic network (TN) has been occurred, and an EV-CS-TN-PN system is formed. Considering the fact that the operating condition of this system was related to the distribution of EV charging load and transportation and trip in space dimension and time dimension, so a method was proposed to adopt the spatial and temporal distributed electricity price to lead the EV charging as well as the behavior of transportation and trip to improve the operation of EV-CS-TN-PN system. For this purpose, the mathematical models of various kinds of entities constituting this system were established. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) algorithm was utilized to describe the individual difference in the behavior decision-making process of drivers. On this basis, taking the minimum PN network loss and the minimum degree of crowdedness of TN as objectives, an optimization model of spatial and temporal distributed charging price was constructed. Simulation results show that adopting spatial and temporal distributed charging price can decrease the loss and voltage excursion of PN, mitigate the degree of crowdedness of TN and balancing the charging load among CS, thus the goal of optimizing the operation of EV-CS-TN-PN system can be achieved.
英文标题:Optimization of Spatial-Temporal Charging Price in the System Composed of Electric Vehicle, Charging Station, Traffic Network and Power Network