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[电工技术] 基于电力电子变压器的交直流混合配电网日前经济运行策略研究

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admin 发表于 2025-1-27 18:00 | 查看全部 阅读模式

摘要:多端口电力电子变压器(Power Electronic Transformer, PET)可以在交直流混合配电网建立功率柔性调节的通路,实现多个交直流混合配电区域间电能互联互济。提出一种基于多端口PET的交直流混合配电网日前经济运行策略。首先基于交直流混合配电网典型拓扑,分析含PET交直流配网的灵活调控能力;然后根据PET运行过程中的物理约束,分析多端口PET各端口功率流动关系,建立混合配网中PET的能量流动模型;最后以交直流混合配网运行成本最低为目标函数,以系统功率平衡、潮流越限和设备运行上下限的约束为约束条件,建立交直流混合配电网日前经济运行模型,提出了基于CPLEX求解器的模型求解方法。以我国某地区交直流混合配电网示范工程为例,建立了该示范工程的混合配网日前经济运行模型,并进行了求解。算例结果表明,所提运行策略可以有效地降低系统运行成本,提高可再生能源消纳水平。

Abstract:By means of multi-terminal power electronic transformer (abbr. PET) the flexible power regulation path in AC/DC hybrid distribution network can be constructed for interaction and mutual aid of electric energy among multi-AC/DC hybrid distribution regions. A multi-terminal PET based day-ahead economic operation strategy for AC/DC hybrid power distribution network was proposed. Firstly, based on typical topology of AC/DC hybrid power distribution network, the flexible regulation and control capability of AC/DC hybrid power distribution network containing PET was analyzed. Secondly, according to physical constraint during the operational process of PET, the relation of power flowing of each terminal in multi-terminal PET was analyzed and an energy flowing model of the PET in AC/DC hybrid distribution network was built. Finally, taking the lowest operating cost of AC/DC hybrid distribution network as objective function and taking the system power balance, the power flow off-limit and the upper and lower limit constraints of equipment operation as the constraint conditions, a day-ahead economical operating model for AC/DC hybrid power distribution network was established and based on the CPLEX solver a method to solve the established model was put forward. Taking a demonstration project of an AC/DC hybrid power distribution network in a certain region in China for calculation example, a day-ahead economic operating model of this demonstration project was constructed and solved. The results of the calculation example show that using the proposed PET based economic operating strategy for AC/DC hybrid power distribution network the operating cost of the distribution system can be effectively reduced, and the accommodation level of renewable energy resource can be raised.

英文标题:Research on Power Electronic Transformer Based Day-ahead Economic Operation Strategy of AC/DC Hybrid Distribution Network

作者:易文飞, 王鑫,

关键词:电力电子变压器, 交直流混合配电网, 功率调节, 经济运行策略, 系统损耗,

2025-1-26 20:54 上传
750.03 KB
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