摘要:随着新能源并网规模和特高压线路数量的增多,电网频率管理也愈发严格。由于蒸汽动力系统具有流程长、热惰性大等问题,燃煤发电机组面临的调频工作压力也越来越大。为了解决以上问题,对储能系统辅助调频应用开展了深入研究。介绍了电储能系统与燃煤发电机组联合响应自动发电控制(auto generation control,AGC)调频调度指令的系统结构,在Matlab/Simulink环境下建立了储能调频系统的仿真模型,并根据实际电厂数据进行了计算分析。仿真结果表明,增加一定规模的储能调频系统可以将合并输出调频性能提高2~3倍,避免被考核。还从多个方面对储能调频系统不同接入方式的安全性进行了分析,认为储能调频应用不会对机组安全运行带来隐患。储能调频系统可以从发电辅助服务市场获得补偿,减少机组过度调节,延长设备寿命,对电力系统安全高效运行具有重要意义。
Abstract:With the surge of new energy integration and ultra-high voltage (UHV) lines, it calls for even more strict management in frequency regulation of power grid. Considering the long process flow, large thermal inertness of steam power system, the coal-fired power units are facing even higher pressure in frequency regulation. For this, an energy storage system (ESS)-aided frequency regulation was discussed in this paper. The system structure of dispatching command for combined ESS and coal-fired power units, was proposed;the simulation model was built on the platform of Matlab/Simulink to study the frequency regulation of energy storage;an instance study was made with practical operation data. The results show that the combination system can serve 2 to 3 times response than conventional system;the introduction of such ESS system with energy storage would not affect the safe operation of power units;It makes great reference for the development of auxiliary service market for power generation in reduced over-regulation, prolonged life span, safer and higher-efficiency operation of power system.
title:Combined Frequency Regulationof ESS and Coal-fired Power Unit
作者:巴黎明, 冯沛, 赵璐璐, LEMMON John
authors:BA Liming, FENG Pei, ZHAO Lulu, LEMMON John
keywords:ESS,frequency regulation,coal-fired power units,AGC simulation,
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