Abstract:With the rapid development of renewable energy represented by wind power generation and photovoltaic power generation, the installed capacity of renewable energy in the power system is increasing day by day.When the installed capacity of wind and photovoltaic power account is for a small proportion of the total power supply installed in the system, wind and photovoltaic generation can be fully accepted by the power system. However, when the installed capacity of wind and photovoltaic power reaches a certain scale, the influence of intermittentity and fluctuation of their generation on power system can not be neglected. It is necessary to study the capacity of renewable energy integration. Based on the historical load and renewable energy output of a region, load and the renewable energy generation output curves were predicted in this paper. Based on the grid aggregation model, the rationality of power planning in this area was evaluated. On the basis of the evaluation, the limits of the accommodation capacity of renewable energy in this region were studied.
title:Evaluation and Analysis of the Capability of New Energy Integration Based on Grid Aggregation Mode