摘要:球形接头是抛物面槽式太阳能集热器的关键部件,针对球形接头易发生运转卡涩和导热油泄漏问题,研制了一套球形接头性能测试系统。该测试系统可以实现球形接头在旋转、摆转或旋摆联动模式下,以及在导热油温度达393 ℃和压力达4.1 MPa工况条件下的加速寿命测试。以导热油为传热流体,开展了球形接头在导热油温度为393 ℃和压力为2.3 MPa工况条件,以及温度、压力变化条件下的性能测试研究,分析了球形接头在模拟12年寿命期的扭矩特性和密封性能,验证了该测试系统运行的稳定性和可靠性,并且关键技术参数的控制精度和测量精度满足使用要求,为球形接头的性能评价提供了技术支撑。
Abstract:The ball joint is a key component of a parabolic trough solar collector. To address the problems of operation sticking and heat conduction oil leakage in ball joints, a performance test system was developed. The system can perform accelerated life tests of ball joints in rotational, angular, or rotational-angular motion, and at temperature up to 393 ℃ and pressure up to 4.1 MPa. Using thermal conductivity oil as heat transfer fluid, performance tests of the ball joints were conducted under working conditions of 393 ℃ and 2.3 MPa, as well as under varying temperature and pressure conditions. The torque characteristics and sealing performance of the ball joint over a simulated 12-year lifespan were analyzed. Furthermore, the stability and reliability of the test system were verified through the test process, and the control and measurement accuracy of key technical parameters met the operational requirements. This test system provides technical support for the performance assessment of ball joints.
title:Development and Application of Test System for Ball Joints of Parabolic Trough Solar Collector
作者:董军, 汤建方, 臧春城, 徐立, 王志峰
authors:Jun DONG, Jianfang TANG, Chuncheng ZANG, Li XU, Zhifeng WANG
keywords:solar thermal power generation,parabolic trough solar collector,ball joint,test system,torque characteristic,seal performance,accelerated life,performance testing,
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