摘要:硅纳米线(silicon nanowires,SiNWs)越长,光学性能越好,但这会使太阳电池的电学性能损失越来越大。采用模拟和实验的方法,对PEDOT:PSS/Si杂化太阳电池的SiNWs进行优化,重点研究了SiNWs长度造成的表面复合速率和串联电阻对太阳电池性能的影响。结果表明,随着SiNWs长度的增加,表面复合主要影响开路电压,对太阳电池的性能影响较大;串联电阻主要影响填充因子,对太阳电池的性能影响较小。实验证明,当SiNWs长度为246 nm左右时,PEDOT:PSS/Si杂化太阳电池的转换效率最高,为12.88%。研究结果可为含SiNWs的硅基太阳电池的设计提供指导。
Abstract:The large length of silicon nanowires (SiNWs) leads to their good optical properties, which causes increasing losses in the electrical performance of solar cells. The SiNWs in PEDOT:PSS/Si hybrid solar cells were optimized by simulations and experiments, and the effects of surface recombination rate and series resistance caused by SiNWs length on the performance of solar cells were studied. The results show that with the increase of SiNWs length, the surface recombination mainly affects the open circuit voltage and has great influence on the performance of solar cells. Moreover, the series resistance mainly affects the filling factor and has little effect on the performance of solar cells. Experiments show that when the length of SiNWs is about 246 nm, the highest conversion efficiency (12.88%) of PEDOT:PSS/Si hybrid solar cells can be obtained. The research results can provide guidance for the design of Si-based solar cells with SiNWs.
title:Structure Optimization and Experimental Study of PEDOT:PSS/Si Hybrid Solar Cells With SiNWs
作者:高中亮, 耿奇, 王哲, 高婷, 李英峰, 陈雷, 李美成
authors:Zhongliang GAO, Qi GENG, Zhe WANG, Ting GAO, Yingfeng LI, Lei CHEN, Meicheng LI
keywords:silicon nanowires (SiNWs),PEDOT:PSS/Si hybrid solar cells,structure optimization,
发表日期:2023-10-31 |