摘要:将相变材料(phase change material,PCM)与光伏/热(photovoltaic/thermal,PV/T)模块集成,可通过提高冷却能力改善光伏面板的发电效率,同时利用PCM存储热能并合理利用。在2种集成相变储热材料的PV/T模块设计基础上,采用数值模拟方法进行性能分析,并与传统PV/T装置进行比较。从能量和?2方面对集成系统的整体性能进行分析,并研究冷却工质流量的影响。结果表明,将相变储热材料与PV/T模块集成可显著提高系统的整体性能。其中集成2种相变储热材料的PV/T系统的日总能量效率和总?效率最高,分别为67.65%和12.86%,每日可提供的能量最高可达3 603.2 W·h/m2。随着冷却工质体积流量的增加,总能量效率略有提高,但总?效率显著下降。
Abstract:Incorporating phase change material (PCM) with photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) modules can improve the power generation efficiency of photovoltaic panels by increasing the cooling capacity, and the stored heat can also be used rationally. Based on the design of two PV/T modules integrated with phase change heat storage materials, the performances were analyzed numerically and compared with the traditional PV/T panel. The overall performance of integrated system was analyzed from the energy and exergy aspect. The influence of cooling fluid flow was also examined. The results show that the integration of PCM with PV/T module can significantly improve the overall performance of the system. The PV/T system with two phase change heat storage materials have the highest daily total energy efficiency and overall exergic efficiency, reaching 67.65% and 12.86%, respectively. Moreover, the maximum energy per day could reach 3603.2 W·h/m2. With the increase of the volume rate of cooling fluid, the overall energy efficiency increases slightly, but the overall exergic efficiency decreases significantly.
title:Performance Analysis of Photovoltaic/Thermal Hybrid System Integrated With Phase Change Heat Storage Materials
作者:Mohamed ABD-HAMID, 夏龙禹, 魏高升, 崔柳, 徐超, 杜小泽
authors:ABD-HAMID Mohamed, Longyu XIA, Gaosheng WEI, Liu CUI, Chao XU, Xiaoze DU
keywords:phase change heat storage,photovoltaics/thermal (PV/T),exergy efficiency,solar energy,
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