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[能源与动力工程] 1 000 MW燃煤机组SCR超低排放关键参数性能评估与分析

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admin 发表于 2025-1-21 15:00 | 查看全部 阅读模式

1 000 MW燃煤机组SCR超低排放关键参数性能评估与分析
摘要:1 000 MW燃煤机组作为国内先进机组排头兵,对其脱硝装置超低排放改造后的关键参数进行性能评估与分析,可以为燃煤机组超低排放形势下选择性催化还原(selective catalytic reduction,SCR)烟气脱硝装置的稳定安全运行提供借鉴及指导。以已实现脱硝超低排放的某1 000 MW燃煤机组SCR脱硝装置为例,研究了该脱硝装置的脱硝效率,入口、出口NO x 浓度分布,以及氨逃逸浓度等关键运行参数,分析了此台机组脱硝装置的主要性能。试验结果表明:该SCR脱硝装置超低排放改造后整体性能良好,但流场均匀性差、氨逃逸浓度超标等问题仍然存在,应该加强低氮燃烧调整,开展喷氨优化、流场均匀性试验及催化剂全寿命管理等工作。

Abstract:1 000 MW coal-fired unit, as one of the best domestic advanced units, the performance evaluation and analysis of the key parameters of its denitrification unit after the ultra-low emission reformation can provide reference and guidance for stable and safe operation of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) flue gas denitrification unit under ultra-low emission of coal-fired units. Taking the SCR denitrification unit of a 1 000 MW coal-fired unit that had achieved ultra-low denitrification emission as an example, the key operating parameters of the SCR denitrification unit were studied, such as denitrification efficiency, NO x concentration distribution at the inlet and outlet, ammonia escape, etc., the main performance of the denitrification unit was analyzed. The test results show that the overall performance of the SCR denitrification unit is good after the ultra-low emission transformation, but the problems of poor flow field uniformity and excessive ammonia escape still exist. Therefore, the adjustment of low nitrogen combustion, the optimization of ammonia injection, the uniformity test of flow field and the life-cycle management of catalyst should be strengthened.

标题:1 000 MW燃煤机组SCR超低排放关键参数性能评估与分析
title:Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Key Parameters of SCR Ultra-low Emission for 1 000 MW Coal-fired Unit

作者:冯前伟, 朱仁涵, 徐思达, 刘博, 张杨, 王丰吉, 朱跃
authors:Qianwei FENG, Renhan ZHU, Sida XU, Bo LIU, Yang ZHANG, Fengji WANG, Yue ZHU

关键词:1 000 MW燃煤机组,选择性催化还原(SCR),超低排放,性能评估,
keywords:1 000 MW coal-fired unit,selective catalytic reduction (SCR),ultra-low emission,performance evaluation,

2025-1-21 00:22 上传
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