摘要:电池储能系统是实现碳中和最重要、最有效的手段之一,其大规模应用对电池运行过程中的安全性提出了更高的要求。实时准确的电池状态估计为保障电池的安全稳定运行提供重要信息,是电池管理系统(battery management system,BMS)的一项重要功能。然而,由于复杂的操作条件和电池内部的电化学反应,很难准确地评估电池的内部状态。针对电池荷电状态(state of charge,SOC)和健康状态(state of health,SOH)这2个电池系统中的重要参数,系统回顾了当前常用的SOC和SOH估计方法,总结了各种方法的特点及其在实际应用中所面临的主要挑战,并在此基础上对电池SOC和SOH估计技术未来的发展提出展望,为电池状态估计技术的进一步研究提供参考依据。
Abstract:Battery energy storage system is one of the most important and effective means to achieve carbon neutrality, its large-scale applications put forward higher requirements for the battery operating safety. Accurate and real-time battery state estimation is an important function of battery management systems, and it provides critical information for ensuring safe and reliable operation of batteries. However, it is not an easy task to accurately estimate the battery internal state due to the complex operating conditions and the complicated electrochemical reactions inside the battery. This paper provided a systematic review of the state-of-the-art techniques on the state of charge (SOC) and state of health (SOH) estimation of batteries. The advantages and main challenges existing in practical applications of different techniques were analyzed and compared. Then, the future development needs for battery SOC and SOH estimation techniques were prospected, which provides references for further research in battery state estimation
title:Estimation Approaches for States of Charge and Health of Lithium-ion Battery
作者:李沂洹, 李慷, 余渐
authors:Yihuan LI, Kang LI, James YU
keywords:lithium-ion battery,energy storage,state estimation,battery management system (BMS),