Abstract:According to the emission concentration and emission performance of pollutants from wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD) of coal-fired power plants. The haze control effects of ultra-low emission WFGD were analyzed. Emissions of SO2, particulate matter and SO3 are reduced by WFGD. These pollutants are precursors of haze. It shows that it has positive contribution to haze control by ultra-low emission WFGD. At the same time, the colored plume has been ability to control cooperatively by ultra-low emission. The colored plume should be controlled according to local conditions. After the extensive transformation of ultra-low emission in electricity industry, emissions of air pollutants have been continuously reduced. The quality of air environment has improved year after year. The contribution is due to WFGD and ultra-low emissions.
title:Influence Analysis on Haze Control of Ultra-low Emission Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization of Coal-fired Power Plants
authors:Yue ZHU,Yonglong YANG
keywords:coal-fired power plant,wet flue gas desulfurization,ultra-low emission,haze control,colored plume,