Abstract::Modified nano-TiO2 catalysts were prepared and used for photocatalytic degradation of biomass gasification waste water under visible light. The effects of modification methods on COD removal of phenol and waste water were investigated. After irradiation under visible light for 10 h in the presence of Ag-C/TiO2, the COD removal of phenol was 43.5%, and the COD removal of the waste water was 26.8%. When exposed under sunlight for 36 h, the COD removal of the waste water reached 90.9%. The modified Ag-C/TiO2 exhibited high photocatalytic activity under visible light, and good capability to degrade the biomass gasification waste water.
英文标题:Photocatalytic Degradation of Biomass Gasification Waste Water Using Visible-light-driven Modified Nano-TiO2 Catalysts