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[工业技术] 最近三十年岩土原位测试技术新进展

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admin 发表于 2025-1-17 02:30 | 查看全部 阅读模式


Abstract:At present, most geotechnical engineering survey enterprises use the traditional in-situ testing method. In order to summarize the latest development of geotechnical in-situ testing technology, the latest research progress of geotechnical in-situ testing technology and equipment since 1990s are analyzed from four aspects, including deformation characteristics test, shear strength test, permeability test and penetration test. The results show that the current in-situ testing technology has four characteristics: automation, informationization, multi-function and technology upgrading, but there are still some problems, such as high cost, weak theoretical basis, limitations of the test itself and slow progress. According to the practical problems, prospects are put forward from the aspects of strengthening the theoretical basis, accelerating information technology and multi-functional equipment research, expanding the research area and so on.

Recent Advances in Geotechnical In-situ Testing Techniques in the Last 30 Years

Wang Yunnan,Zhang Long,Zheng Jianguo,Liu Zhenghong,Yu Yongtang,Meng Qingbo
机械工业勘察设计研究院有限公司,陕西西安 710043

中图分类号:TU 197

Key words:geotechnical engineering,in-situ test,review

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