Abstract:From the perspective of port engineering project survey, a comparative study of Chinese, European and American codes was conducted, including survey workload, drilling and sampling, geotechnical classification, SPT, CPT, VST, strength parameter selection and calculation of vertical compressive bearing capacity of single pile. In these codes, drilling and sampling, CPT, VST are similar, but there are differences in workload, geotechnical classification, application of SPT results, selection of strength parameters and calculation of vertical compressive bearing capacity of single pile. The research results could be used as reference.
Comparative Study on Application of Chinese and Foreign Codes in Port Engineering Survey
Chen Zhixin,Peng Manhua,Zhang Haishun,Huang Chengzhi
中船勘察设计研究院有限公司,上海 200063
中图分类号:TU 458
Key words:port engineering project survey,Chinese and foreign codes,in-situ test,strength parameter
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