Abstract:General Code for Engineering Investigation is the basic code for engineering construction and the mandatory provisions of the full text. The number and depth of exploratory hole, as well as the requirements for sampling, testing and laboratory testing are specified. Due to industry and historical reasons, electric power engineering investigation has distinct industry characteristics. Through comparative analysis, there are certain differences between the overhead transmission line and the provisions of the general code in investigation method, holes layout, sampling, testing, laboratory test and the content of results. The implementation of geotechnical engineering investigation need to make some appropriate adjustments to meet the requirements of General Code for Engineering Investigation. The revision of industry and group codes should also provide clearer requirements accordingly.
Investigation of Overhead Transmission Lines after the Implementation of "General Code for Engineering Investigation"
Hao Bing,Li Congyun,Liu Shiyan,Liu Yingguang
作者简介:郝 兵,男,1980年生,汉族,吉林梅河口人,硕士,正高级工程师,注册土木工程师(岩土),从事工程勘察设计工作。E-mail:81132636@qq.com
北京电力经济技术研究院有限公司,北京 100055
中图分类号:TM 757.1;P 642
Key words:overhead transmission line,investigation,general code,exploratory hole,laboratory test
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