摘要:盐穴储气库作为地下天然气储存的一种主要方式,在我国油气储运行业中的重要作用日益突出。但是由于盐岩的流变特性,在储气库的运营过程中盐穴腔体体积会随着运营年限逐渐减少,从而可能引发地面沉降等一系列环境问题。针对某盐穴储气库建设工程,通过适用盐岩蠕变变形的幂指数模型对储气库运营中盐岩腔引发的地面沉降进行模拟,并对邻近铁路运营可能产生的影响进行分析。分析显示,储气库运行30年后,储气库区域沉降表现为整体的均匀沉降,无明显的地表倾斜,区域最大沉降196 mm,最大纵横向倾斜率未超过0.1 mm/m,储气库群运行所产生的区域地面沉降对铁路的运行无明显影响。
Abstract:Salt cavern gas storage is a main method of underground natural gas storage. With the construction and development of salt cavern gas storage in China, its position in the oil and gas storage and transportation industry has become very prominent. At the same time, due to the rheological characteristics of salt rock, the volume of the salt cavern will gradually decrease with the operating time during the operation of the gas storage, which may cause a series of environmental problems such as surface subsidence. For the construction project of salt cavern gas storage in Pingdingshan, the surface subsidence caused by salt cavern in the operation of gas storage was simulated by using the power exponential model suitable for salt rock creep deformation, and the possible influence on the operation of adjacent railways was analyzed. It shows that after 30 years of operation, the subsidence of the gas storage area is uniform as a whole, with no obvious surface tilt. The maximum subsidence in the area is 196 mm, and the maximum vertical and horizontal tilt rates do not exceed 0.1 mm/m. The regional ground subsidence caused by the operation of gas storage group has no obvious influence on the operation of the adjacent railway.
Influence Analysis of Injection-production Operation of Salt Cavern Gas Storage on the Safety of Adjacent Railways
Zhang Xing1,Li Wenbin1,Xie Nan1,Ben Jianhua1,Wang Chenglin1,Huang Shenglong1,Ye Liangliang2,,
作者简介:张 幸,男,1986年生,汉族,安徽宿州人,硕士,高级工程师,主要从事储气库工程技术研究。E-mail:zhangxing@pipechina.com.cn通讯作者:叶良良,男,1994年生,汉族,江西南昌人,博士研究生,主要从事盐穴储气库地表变形研究。E-mail:yeliang0113@163.com
1.国家管网集团西气东输公司,上海 200120 2.中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所,湖北武汉 430071
1.PipeChinaWestEastGasPipelineCompany,Shanghai200120,China 2.InstituteofRockandSoilMechanics,ChineseAcademyofSciences,Wuhan430071,Hubei,China
中图分类号:U 21; TE 82
Key words:salt cavern gas storage,surface subsidence,railway safety,numerical analysis,injection-production operation
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