Abstract:The research and development of the electro-chemical reinforcement test for sea siltation in Zhanjiang Port were summarized, and the development of electro-osmotic methods for soil reinforcement technology was proposed. The innovation and development of electro-osmotic methods for soil reinforcement technology should be based on promoting the progress of foundation treatment technology and meeting the needs of the times. The electro-osmotic method and its combined method for soil reinforcement technology should adhere to the concept of transdisciplinary and shared development, innovate ecological models, and establish a practical system of soil treatment+electro-osmotic soil treatment technology, making it widely applicable in the fields of foundation treatment and environmental protection.
Research and Prospect of Electro-Osmosis Techique for Soil Reinforcement
李俊毅1, 2,
Li Junyi1, 2,
1.中交天津港湾工程研究院有限公司,天津 300222 2.中交第一航务工程局有限公司,天津 300461
1.CCCCTianjinPortEngineeringInstituteCo.,Ltd.,Tianjin300222,China 2.CCCCFirstHarborEngineeringCo.,Ltd.,Tianjin300461,China
Key words:electro-osmosis method,soil consolidation,field test,port engineering
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