摘要:基于静动力学试验,研究纤维改良、固化剂改良及纤维–固化剂改良三种加固方法对重载铁路路基填料性能的影响,进而提出最佳改良方案。结果表明:采用固化剂改良,固化土中固化剂掺量为5%时,强度达到峰值,养护时间越长强度越高。采用纤维改良,当纤维掺量为0.2%时,纤维土静动力学性能达到最佳;当纤维长度为0~12 mm时,强度随着纤维长度的增加而增强,当长度为12~18 mm时,强度随着纤维长度的增加而降低。采用纤维–固化剂联合改良方案加固效果最好。建议该地区采用纤维–固化剂联合改良方案增强路基填料物理力学性能,试验得出的最佳掺量为:固化剂掺量5%,纤维掺量0.2%,纤维长度12 mm。
Abstract:Based on static and dynamic triaxial tests, the effects of three reinforcement methods, including fiber improvement, curing agent improvement, and fiber - curing agent improvement, on the performance of heavy-haul railway subgrade filler were studied, and the best improvement scheme was proposed. The results show that when the curing agent content in the curing soil is 5%, the strength reaches the peak, and the longer the curing time, the higher the strength. With fiber improvement, when the fiber content is 0.2%, the soil static dynamic performance of fiber reaches the best; When the fiber length is 0~12 mm, the strength increases with the increase of fiber length, and when the length is 12~18 mm, the strength decreases with the increase of fiber length. The fiber-curing agent combined improvement scheme is the best reinforcement effect. It is recommended that the fiber-curing agent combined improvement scheme be used to enhance the mechanical properties of the subgrade filler, and the optimal curing agent content is 5%, fiber content is 0.2%, and fiber length is 12 mm.
Experimental Study on Improvement of Heavy-haul Railway Subgrade Filler
武伟刚1, 2,,李岩3
Wu Weigang1, 2,,Li Yan3
1.四川铁道职业学院,四川成都 170032 2.西南交通大学土木工程学院,四川成都 170032 3.中国十九冶集团有限公司,河北石家庄 050000
1.SichuanRailwayVocationalCollege,Chengdu170032,Sichuan,China 2.SchoolofCivilEngineering,SouthwestJiaotongUniversity,Chengdu170032,Sichuan,China 3.China19thMetallurgicalGroupCo.,Ltd.,Shijiazhuang050000,Hebei,China
Key words:subgrade filler,fiber improvement,curing agent improvement,fiber-curing agent improvement
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